Dumb Energy: A Critique of Wind and Solar Energy
by Norman Rogers
Category: Book
Binding: Paperback
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Rating: 3.5
Total Reviews: 93
Results Dumb Energy: A Critique of Wind and Solar Energy
HomeDumbEnergy ~ Wind and solar energy are very poor investments The excessive cost is hidden by subsidies and propaganda Wind and solar have to be backed up by conventional power plants because the production of electricity is unpredictable
Last Word Archive New Scientist ~ At school we were shown that heating a bar magnet caused it to lose its magnetism How then if the iron core of Earth is at a temperature high enough to liquefy it does it generate a vast
BIG NEWS VIII New solar theory predicts imminent global ~ Dr David Evans 27 June 2014 David Evans’ NotchDelay Solar Theory and Model Home If the Sun mainly controls the temperature on Earth a turning point is almost upon us In the second part of this series of blog posts we will demonstrate that carbon dioxide is responsible for less than 25 of the global warming of the last six decades so presumably the Sun is mainly responsible
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2018 6th Warmest Year Globally of Last 40 « Roy Spencer PhD ~ Even before our December numbers are in we can now say that 2018 will be the 6th warmest year in the UAH satellite measurements of globalaverage lower atmospheric temperatures at 023 deg C 041 deg F above the thirtyyear 19812010 average
New Lewis Curry Study Concludes Climate Sensitivity is ~ New Lewis Curry Study Concludes Climate Sensitivity is Low April 24th 2018 by Roy W Spencer Ph D
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Do Amish use electricity Amish America ~ Other Amish may generate electricity for various devices as described above by making use of a generator and inverter In addition to electricity many Amish make use of both hydraulic oil and pneumatic air forms of power referred to as “Amish electricity” see Kraybill The Riddle of Amish Culture pp 208210 A diesel engine will be used to drive these devices
EU hides their Toaster and Kettle bans so they don’t ~ This is whatthe EU has in store for the UK if”Traitor May”thwarts Brexit 1 The UK along with all existing members of the EU lose their abstention veto in 2020 as laid down in the Lisbon Treaty when the system changes to that of majority acceptance with no abstentions or veto’s being allowed
Why Renewables Can’t Save the Planet Quillette ~ You can make solar panels cheaper and wind turbines bigger but you can’t make the sun shine more regularly or the wind blow more reliably I came to understand the environmental implications of the physics of energy